Avascular Necrosis (AVN) Treatment in Delhi

Avascular Necrosis (AVN) Treatment in Delhi


Avascular necrosis(AVN) is a painful bone disease that can impair your movement and worsen over time. It happens when the blood supply to one of your bones is interrupted. Radiation therapy, hip dislocations, fractured bones, and alcohol abuse are among the causes. 

Avascular necrosis is also known as osteonecrosis, aseptic necrosis ischemic bone necrosis, or bone infarction. Avascular necrosis can lead to joint pain, particularly in the hip. If treatment is not received, the joints may gradually collapse and the bones lose their smooth shape. Osteoarthritis may occur. A joint replacement procedure may be necessary for some AVN patients.

What Is Avascular Necrosis (AVN)?

Avascular necrosis is a condition that happens when the blood supply to the bone is cut off, either permanently or just temporarily. The bone collapses as the bone tissue dies from lack of blood flow. The surface of a joint may collapse if avascular necrosis develops close to it.  Any bone may experience this disease. It usually occurs in the tips of long bones. It could impact one bone at a time, multiple bones simultaneously, or various bones at different times.

What Are The Causes Of Avascular Necrosis?

The following causes will result in avascular necrosis:

  • Fracture
  • Injury
  • Damage to blood vessels
  • Extended usage of medications, such as corticosteroids
  • Excessive and prolonged alcohol consumption
  • Specific long-term health issues like osteoporosis, diabetes, HIV, Lupus, organ transplants, blood disorders (sickle cell anemia)
  • Smoking 

What Are The Symptoms Of Avascular Necrosis?

Avascular necrosis might present with symptoms that mimic other medical conditions or issues with the bones. For a diagnosis, always consult your healthcare provider. 

The most typical symptoms of avascular necrosis are listed below. However, each person may have a unique set of symptoms. Among the symptoms could be:

  • Intermittent pain which appears and eases when you put pressure on your bone and then remove the pressure
  • Increasing stiffness and pain
  • Restricted range of motion
  • Limping if you have avascular necrosis in your hips or knees
  • Trouble in standing,  climbing stairs, or walking

How To Diagnose Avascular Necrosis?

In addition to a thorough medical history and physical examination, you might undergo one or more of the subsequent tests:

  • X-ray
  • Computed tomography scan (also called a CT or CAT scan)
  • MRI 
  • Functional evaluation of bone
  • Biopsy
  • Radionuclide bone scan

How To Treat Avascular Necrosis?

Your healthcare professional will decide on an avascular necrosis treatment plan based on the following factors:

  • Extent of the disease
  • Your age, medical history, and health status
  • Amount and location of bone where it is affected
  • Your acceptance level or tolerance for procedures, certain medicines, or therapies
  • Underlying causes or risk factors of the disease
  • Your expectations for the course of the disease 

Restoring function and preventing more bone or joint injury are the main objectives of treatment. To prevent joints from degenerating, treatments are required and  it includes:

  • Medications: taking medications will help to relieve the pain. The medicines include NSAIDs, blood thinners, and cholesterol-lowering agents
  • Conservative options like rest, exercise, and electrical stimulation.
  • Assistive devices: These devices help to limit or reduce the weight or pressure getting on the joints.
  • Core decompression: The inner layer of bone is removed during this surgical treatment in order to lower blood pressure, improve blood flow, and prevent or delay the degeneration of bones and/or joints.
  • Osteotomy: It is a procedure done to reshape and resurface the bone to reduce stress on the affected bone area
  • Bone graft: In this procedure, a diseased or damaged bone area is replaced with a healthy bone graft, transplanted from another part of the body
  • Joint replacement: This surgical procedure removes and replaces an arthritic or damaged joint with an artificial joint. This can be considered only after other treatment options have failed to relieve pain and/or disability.

How To Prevent Avascular Necrosis?

The following are the lifestyle modifications that help to prevent avascular necrosis:

  • Limit the consumption of alcohol
  • Avoid smoking
  • Limit the use of steroids
  • Do not let your cholesterol reach high levels; maintain a low cholesterol level

Exploring The Treatment Of Avascular Necrosis In Delhi

Depending on a variety of factors, such as the kind of necrosis present, the severity of the issue, the patient's health, the doctor's fee, etc., different persons with avascular necrosis undergo different therapies. 

If you're ever in Delhi, see top orthopedic surgeon Dr Ishwar Bohra for tailored care about your avascular necrosis issues. Make an appointment for your consultation immediately!


Avascular necrosis is a painful disorder that can seriously impair your quality of life. If you take any medications or have any diseases that enhance your risk of developing avascular necrosis, talk to your healthcare professional. Your healthcare practitioner will go over any symptoms that could indicate avascular necrosis. Treatment and early diagnosis can slow the progression of the disease.  

Get individualized treatment from the leading orthopedic surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Ishwar Bohra, for your avascular necrosis problems. Schedule your consultation right now!


Q: What is the best treatment for avascular necrosis?

A: Most patients with early-stage AVN of the hip find that core decompression, the most widely used treatment, successfully improves their discomfort and can even stop the problem from progressing in many circumstances. However, between 25% and 30% of patients who had this treatment eventually required a total hip replacement.

Q:  Does avascular necrosis benefit from walking?

A: It will be prescribed to perform exercises that work the entire lower limb, like simultaneous squats on both legs or solely on one leg. For the purpose of enhancing everyday activities like walking and stair climbing, exercises that target the muscles while standing are the most beneficial.

Q: What is the root cause of avascular necrosis?

A: Injury, medication use, or alcohol consumption can all lead to avascular necrosis. Joint discomfort and restricted range of motion are possible symptoms. To increase functionality or prevent additional damage to the damaged bone or joint, medications, assistive devices, or surgery may be employed.

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