Best Hip Replacement Surgery in India

Purpose, Preparation, Procedure, & Post-Procedure Care

A hip replacement is a surgical intervention done by the expert orthopedic surgeons. It involves the replacement of the hip, or parts of it, with a standard or custom made prosthesis (an artificially made hip implant from biomaterials). A hip replacement, a joint replacement surgery, is also called a hip arthroplasty.

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Treatment Overview

Patients with end-stage arthritic hip conditions may gain advantage from hip replacement surgery performed by a skilled orthopedic surgeon. It's among the most common orthopedic procedures. It improves range of motion, relieves pain, and restores hip joint function. Patients under 60 are getting hip replacements at a rate of roughly 40%, and this number is steadily rising.

When it comes to substitute hip replacements, some surgeons favor osteotomy or arthrodesis. Osteotomy is often deemed ineffective due to the extensive degeneration of the hip joints. Since less mobility is obtained as a result of the arthrodesis (joint fusion), patients often experience pain in their knees and backs. Hip replacement surgery has become more popular among younger patients also due to its success in treating older patients as well as advancements in biomaterials and technique. The overall implant survival rates (67–78%), femoral component survival rates (81–95%), and acetabular component survival rates (64–84%) among patients aged 18–25 years.

If you or your loved ones are suffering from hip joint degeneration, then you are at the right place. Dr. Ishwar Bohra is one of the top orthopedic surgeons in Delhi and a leading hip replacement surgery. He has earned great merits and has been recognised as one of the best doctors for hip replacement surgery in India. People are experiencing best outcomes from the surgeries performed by Dr. Bohra.

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Top Hip Replacement Surgeon in Delhi

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What is Hip Replacement Surgery?

One of the biggest joints in the body is the hip joint, which consists of a ball and socket. The joint is formed where the pelvis and upper end of the thigh bone, or femur, meet. The femoral head, or "ball," at the end of the femur, slides into the acetabulum, or "socket," in the pelvis.

A hip replacement is a surgical intervention done by the expert orthopedic surgeons. It involves the replacement of the hip, or parts of it, with a standard or custom made prosthesis (an artificially made hip implant from biomaterials). A hip replacement, a joint replacement surgery, is also called a hip arthroplasty.

Over 90% of hip replacements are performed on adults over the age of 50 years. It is rarely performed on young adults or kids. If you are unable to stand, walk, or move due to hip pain or other symptoms, your doctor may suggest a hip replacement depending upon the stage of degeneration and your overall health status.

Types of Hip Replacement Surgery

Your doctor will either proceed with total hip replacement or a partial hip replacement depending upon the severity and extent of the joint degeneration:

Robotic Painless Hip Replacement

Robotic hip replacement surgery involves the usage of robotics to enhance the precision and accuracy in the surgery. One of the biggest advantages of this type of advanced hip replacement is that it relies upon the 3D images for the creation of a precise model of the patient’s hip joint. Such technology helps in reducing the surgical inaccuracies, increasing success rate and speed of recovery. Moreover, the doctor guided robotic arm does the minimally invasive tissue cutting, providing a stability, pain reduction, enhanced function.

Total hip replacement

In a traditional hip replacement, the hip is accessed by the surgeon through a single, large incision, typically created from the back or side approach. After a traditional hip replacement, the recovery period gets prolonged because incisions are made in the muscle and tendon in order to access the joint. After the hip implants are placed correctly, the tendons and muscles are joined again. Until all of the supporting structures in your new hip heal, there are greater chances of the joint dislocation.

Indication of Hip Replacement Surgery

Various conditions can harm the hip joint, potentially leading to the need for hip replacement surgery. Following are the conditions:

  • Osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis: It damages the smooth cartilage covering the bone ends in joints, impairing smooth movement.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: Stemming from an overactive immune system, it triggers inflammation that can wear down cartilage and, in some cases, underlying bone, resulting in joint damage and deformity.
  • Osteonecrosis: It occurs when blood supply to the ball part of the hip joint is reduced due to infection or tumor. The steroid administration is the mainstay of the treatment.
  • Persistent hip pain: Hip pain that persists despite the use of pain relief medication and increases during walking, even with assistance like a cane or walker.
Top hip replacement surgeon in delhi dr. Ishwar Bohra

Hip Replacement Surgery Preparation

Following are the preparatory steps for the surgery:

  • Thorough physical examination to confirm the need for surgery
  • Imaging tests including pelvic X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and/or computed tomography (CT) scan to further evaluate the pelvic condition and to decide the type of surgery to be undertaken
  • Complete Blood Analysis
  • Urinalysis
  • An ECG is used to evaluate the health of your heart.
  • Oral examination to reduce the risk of infection after surgery
  • Tell your doctor about all of the over-the-counter medications and supplements you currently take or have taken in the past.
  • Prior to your procedure, you will be asked to cease taking specific drugs or supplements. Since some medications may impede the healing process following surgery like NSAIDS
  • Your orthopedic surgeon will give you instructions on when to stop eating and drinking the day before surgery. For most patients, the 12-hour period before surgery involves no food or liquids.
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Hip Replacement Surgery Procedure

  • A typical hip replacement procedure lasts between one and two hours.
  • You will receive either a general anesthetic, which creates a sedative-like state, or a spinal block, which numbs the lower body.
  • Your surgeon may also inject numbing medication in the vicinity of nerves or in and around the joint to lessen pain after surgery.
  • The surgeon will make an incision over the hip
  • The healthy bone is preserved by removing the degenerated and weakened bone and cartilage.
  • Hip bones that are damaged are replaced with implants or prosthetics
  • Usually, a replacement ball is placed on top of a metal stem that has been inserted into the top of the thigh bone.
  • Sutures will be place to close the incisions and area will be sterilized
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Post-Procedure Care for Hip Replacement Surgery

  • You will spend a few hours in a recovery area following surgery till your anesthesia effects gets over
  • Your blood pressure, pulse, level of alertness, pain or comfort, and medication requirements will all be observed by medical care team
  • To help prevent fluid from entering your lungs, you will be asked to blow into a device, cough, or take deep breaths.
  • The duration of your stay following surgery is determined by your individual requirements. The duration is generally 3-4 days.
  • Your anesthesiologist will ensure that your anesthesia wears off properly and that there are no postoperative complications before you get discharged

Recovery After Hip Replacement Surgery

  • Following hip replacement surgery, it's common to experience fatigue due to the major operation and the healing process of the surrounding muscles and tissues.
  • Any pre-operative pain should diminish immediately, though some discomfort from the surgery itself may be present initially, but it typically subsides quickly.
  • Every few hours, painkillers will be offered to you. Taking these medications on a regular basis for the first 48 to 72 hours is an effective plan. You might be qualified for up to six weeks of in-home assistance following your hospital discharge, and there might be assistive devices available.
  • An essential component of your recovery are the exercises directed by your physiotherapist. You have to carry on with them when you get home.
  • Get in touch with your doctor after your surgery if you experience increased pain, swelling, or redness in the newly created joint.
  • Usually six to eight weeks after your hip replacement, you will be scheduled for an outpatient appointment to assess your recovery.
  • After your procedure, you can go back to work six to twelve weeks later.
  • During the first few weeks following surgery, you should take extra care to prevent falls as this could cause damage to your hip and necessitate additional surgery.
  • Pay special attention in the kitchen, bathroom and stairwell areas as these are common locations for unintentional falls.
  • Follow instructions when using any walking aid, such as crutches, a cane, or a walker.

Why Choose Dr. Ishwar Bohra for Hip Replacement Surgery?

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Renowned for his groundbreaking work in joint replacement, Dr. Ishwar Bohra keeps pushing the frontiers of innovation with his latest research backed procedures. By employing advanced techniques and evidence-based strategies, Dr. Bohra ensures the best possible results for patients seeking joint rejuvenation. His commitment to excellence in restoring mobility and improving quality of life is demonstrated by his commitment to staying at the forefront of medical advancements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How do I know if hip replacement surgery will help me?

A: When you meet your doctor for the pre-evaluation process, your doctor will inform you about the extent of damage in your hips. He/she will discuss the possible outcomes of the surgery with you on the basis of your overall health status and severity of condition.

Q2: What else can be done for hip arthritis besides surgery?

A: Various medicines and supplements can help to manage hip arthritis in the initial stages. But surgery for the joint replacement becomes very necessary in severe cases to reduce pain and regain mobility.

Q3: Which type of replacement would benefit me?

A: Robotic hip replacement is generally preferred over traditional hip replacement. Because robotic hip replacement is a painless procedure that results in minimum surgical inaccuracies, high success rate, and speedy recovery.

Q4: Should I get comfortable using a walker or crutches before the procedure?

A: Before the surgery, you should definitely learn how to use a walker or crutches. This will facilitate a quicker recovery from surgery.

Q5: Should I give up alcohol or smoke before the procedure?

A: It is best to give up smoking and alcohol prior to surgery, yes. Because engaging in these activities may impede your recuperation.

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Receive a Diagnostic Plan

On the basis of your conversations with the experts regarding your symptoms, level of disability, and expectations from the treatment, the doctor will form a provisional diagnosis and recommend certain diagnostic tests.

Discuss the Treatment Plan with Experts

Based on your symptoms, disease severity, overall health status, expectations, and diagnostic test reports, your doctor will prepare a personalized treatment plan.

Per-surgical Appointment

Your doctor will fix a surgery date based on your needs and convenience. During a pre-surgical appointment, you will sign the consent form and receive the pre-surgical instructions from the doctor.

Surgical & Post-Surgical Care

The doctor will perform your surgery and you will stay in the hospital for post-surgical care and observation under the specialized team. You will receive the at-home care instructions from the doctor before discharge.

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Why Choose Us

Dr. Ishwar Bohra, the best joint replacement surgeon in delhi, has brought joint care a step closer to the maximum mobility restoration with enhanced quality of life and great patient satisfaction. Choose our facility to avail personalized care and highest treatment success since we are committed to serve you the most personalized care.